Automatic Docking Systems For Electric Ships and Ferries
Smartlander TM Automatic Docking Technology Provides Reliable Connection to the Pier

Autodocker News
Momentum Marine now offers charging modules to support fleet electrification projects across the world.
Momentum Marine completes ferry docking prototype design for automatic docking system with New York Water Taxi
USPTO Awards Momentum Marine with 3rd Autodocking Patent.

Our Vision

Our vision is to partner with leading marine manufacturers focused on auto docking equipment. Vessel docking, electric boat charging, GPS auto navigation, container ship mooring, offshore mooring, and more.
Momentummarine’s patented technologies save time and money for ship owners and operators all over the world.
Momentummarine specializes in automatic docking and automatic mooring systems to support fleet electrification programs.
Our Solution

The solution is Momentum Marine's patented technology that can be custom engineered to fit your specific electrification and auto mooring requirements.
Engineered to fit specific water conditions and vessel sizes, for electric ferry or diesel emission reduction.
Momentum Marine's vessel auto docking technology enables a single handed captain to safely connect to a dock or mooring, and autoconnect to charge batteries.
Once the Smartlander TM is installed, simply steer the boat towards the dock and let the unit automatically latch to a target pole on the dock.. or buoy..or trailer!
Our Services

Momentum offers design consulting and custom solutions for marine docking and specialized connection projects.
Custom docking connection systems, eferry charging, shore power auto couplers, offshore platform applications, luxury yacht docking systems and more.
Contact Dan Norton for more information.